The address is commonly used similar to the addresses or because it is used by many routers as the default IP address.

If you need to configure your router settings, is one of the most commonly used router IP addresses to access the admin console. This private IP address allows users to manage their Wi-Fi network, change the password, network name, and router settings, and troubleshoot problems.
How to Access the Router Admin Panel via
- Open a web browser
- Type into the address bar.
- Use the default username and password (found on your router or in the user manual).
- Once logged in, you can modify your router settings.
Many routers, including Netgear, Tp-Link, Tenda use as their default IP address.
Default Router Logins and Passwords
Most routers come with a default login that includes a standard username and password. Here are common defaults:
Router | Default Username | Default Password |
Netgear | admin | 1234 password(use more) |
Tp-Link | admin | admin |
Tenda | admin | admin (blank) |
D-link | admin | admin |
For more login information please refer to this link: Default Router Password List
If you have changed your router passwords and forgotten them, a factory reset may be required to restore default settings.
Configuring Your Router Settings
1. Change the Default Router Password
Tp-Link Router
- Log in, Go to Wireless > Wireless Settings.
- Enter your password (a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols).
- Click ‘Save‘ to apply the password change.
Netgear Router
- Once Loggin, go to BASIC > Wireless.
- Wireless Network > Security Options(WPA2-PSK).
- Enter a strong password(8-63 characters or 64 hex digits).
- Click “Apply” To Change Your Password.
Tenda Router
- Log in to your account.
- Wireless > Basic > Primary SSID > WPA2-PSK (Encryption).
- Enter the new password in the WiFi Password field.
- Click OK to apply the changes.
2. Change network name via address
Just like changing your password, your username is also an important part of helping you easily identify your personal network.
- Wireless > Basic > Primary SSID > SSID Field.
- Enter SSID(Network Name).
- Click OK to apply the changes.
- Go to Wireless > Wireless Settings.
- Enter Your SSID(Network Name).
- Click Save To Changes.
3. Enable Network Encryption
As recommended by leading experts in cybersecurity using WPA3 Or at least WPA2 is necessary for better security. You should also disable WPS if it is not needed.
4. Change the Router IP Address (Optional)
If you want change LAN IP you can follow step:
- Find Network > Lan Settings.
- At LAN IP(Tenda) or IP ADDRESS(Tp Link).
- Enter New IP ADDRESS.
- Click Save or Ok to changes.
Troubleshooting Internet Connection Issues
1. Can’t Access
If you are unable to access, try the following:
- Check if the IP address is correct by using the ipconfig command in the command prompt.
- When accessing, do not enter “https” or “www” before the access address for the IP range is a number (except for some special links).
Ex: wrong. - Make sure the device and network are connected via wired or wireless.
2. Incorrect Username or Password?
If you encounter an error while logging in, it may be because you changed your password a long time ago or forgot it. You need to restore the factory settings by holding the reset button for about 10-20 seconds and wait until the signal light turns on again.
Accessing the router with the address is quite common with current router models. You can absolutely do it with the above instructions.